Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reflection of an overbooked semester

You know how can overbook a concert or a movie by exceeding capacity? That's kind of what I did with my semester.

I have been absent from this blog, save one post, for the semester. This blog, among other things, was neglected by my due to spreading myself too thin these past four months.

I thought I could do it all. Turns out I was wrong.

At the beginning of the semester I was a double major with a minor enrolled in 16 credit hours, 3 hours of undergraduate study, a brand rep for ReadyU, an outreach coordinator for the Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team (HEVT) of Virginia Tech and President of the Public Relations Student Society of America. I barely had time for myself, let alone all of these activities.

At the end of September, I finally decided to drop a class, easing myself down to 13 credit hours (still 16 with the undergraduate study). I invested myself in all of these opportunities thinking all these activities were great opportunities and my resume would be amaaazing.

Well, when you overbook yourself it takes its toll. I couldn't focus on everything, so the work I was doing was only mediocre. I barely managed to scrape by doing all of these activities, and certain things (like my personal life) were placed on the back burner. I managed to get everything done, though, and I don't think my GPA is actually going to suffer that badly, somehow.

In an effort to de-stress myself next semester and put more effort into my activities, I've decided to drop my minor. Really, it's just a cognate (a term made up by the Comm Dept that allows you to make up your own minor). At VT, there's no such thing as a minor in Marketing & Management. There's not even a marketing minor anymore. Although I only have two classes left, those two classes next semester would be adding much unnecessary stress.

I've also decided to not continue as a brand rep with ReadyU. While it was a great opportunity to get more experience in marketing and event planning, its just not my priority right now. Someone else who needs the experience deserves it.

I am continuing with (what will soon be) my dual degree in Communication (PR) and French, as well as my position as outreach coordinator for HEVT and my undergraduate research (which will be Independent Study next semester). My New Year's Resolution is to be more committed to the activities I am involved in, but also leave time for myself.

Happy Holidays!